Financial obligations are an important concern for all of our families. We know what it’s like to visit the doctor and have no idea what you’re being charged or how it will be paid for. We hate surprises and we know you do too.
We also know how silly it is for an insurance company to stand in the way of accessing quality care to improve your child’s life. Here’s some helpful information on how we handle financial responsibility at Clarksville Tongue Tie Center.
Straight-forward pricing means that you’ll always know the cost of treatment before we start, so you’ll never be shocked by some out-of-the-blue “facility fee” or other medical billing nonsense.
Pay upfront for the consult fee and procedure fee, and we will provide a medical claim form to submit for reimbursement.
Your child can access the care he or she needs on the timeline you as a parent feel is most beneficial for your family!
If follow-up visits are required, there will never be an additional charge.
Discounts are available for those receiving government medical assistance and those with active duty military insurance.
In the rare chance that a mouth restriction reattaches within a year, we’ll fix it again, free!
What we find is that many dental insurance companies will deny the tongue tie procedure, classifying it as a congenital medical condition. Or they may place unnecessary restrictions on accessing care in a timely manner due to predeterminations or attempts to delay approval of your child’s beneficial care.
However, many medical/health insurance plans cover both the exam and procedure, and we will provide you with a health insurance claim form that you can submit to request reimbursement. Filing the claim is the responsibility of the patient, and we cannot guarantee that insurance plans will pay for any of the procedures. Patients will be informed of the up front charges and will pay out of pocket before treatment is completed.
Dr. Kennedy is considered out of network with health insurance companies since he is a pediatric dentist by training, but we have found that many health insurances pay benefits, at sometimes higher reimbursement levels, for out-of-network providers than they would for in-network providers. Those reimbursements are made directly to the family. It is the responsibility of the family to research specific plan benefits.
We love supporting our active duty military families! As you know, sometimes it can be difficult to access the quality care you deserve through your insurance benefits offered by TriCare. We offer a 20% overall discount on procedures for military families to help alleviate the financial burden left on you from inadequate reimbursements by Tricare and the Department of Defense. Unfortunately, your reimbursements from TriCare fall below any comparable employer-sponsored plans, including benefits provided by the State of Tennessee for Medicaid recipients, so we have made the effort to provide our services to you in the most affordable way possible.
While Clarksville Tongue Tie Center is considered out-of-network by the United Concordia dental plan, your reimbursements from the insurance carrier actually remain the same as compared to service performed by an in-network provider. You will get the same amount of money back from United Concordia whether you have services provided by an in-network or an out-of-network provider.
You should also consider researching how you can access reimbursements from your TriCare medical plan as those benefits may be higher than what is offered by the dental plan. Unfortunately, Tricare does not allow us to assist with investigating benefits on behalf of subscribers but we have found that families can receive quality reimbursements by advocating for themselves directly with TriCare.